Methadone , Methadone Clinic, Methadone Treatment, Buprenorphine, Buprenorphine Treatment, Suboxone Treatment, Opiate Addiction, Opioid Addiction, Drug Rehab, Heroin Addiction, Oxy Addiction, Fentanyl Addiction, Harm Reduction, Needle Exchange, Free Narcan, Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Addiction Treatment, MAT Program, Opioid Use Disorder, Medication Assisted Treatment in Winder
For far too long addiction treatment has primarily consisted of a combination of short-term medically supervised "detox" and/or inpatient rehab. However, considering the ever-evolving opioid crisis and the presence of fentanyl and xylazine in the drug supply, the process of recovering from Opioid Use Disorder has become more challenging. More and more people are searching for long-term treatment options, this is why Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is no longer looked at as a "last resort" treatment option. Over the past few decades Methadone, has been considered the "gold standard " when treating Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). As overdose rates continue to rise, we understand that it is necessary to not only offer Methadone treatment, but utilize every medication and tool available to properly treat the physical and psychological fallout that has occurred through prolonged and untreated opioid use.
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a term coined and established by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to describe the medications approved to aid in the addiction treatment process, specifically Opioid Use Disorder. These drugs are meant to mitigate the immediate withdrawal symptoms and cravings one experiences when they become physically dependent on opioids. Long-term use of these medications eliminate Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) and enable a person to function again routinely, without the need to continue to put their freedom or life in jeopardy by seeking illegal drugs, day to day.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that relapse rates for Opioid Use Disorder are between 50-70% on average, roughly on par with those associated with diseases like heart disease, diabetes hypertension and others. One of the reasons why these relapse rates are so incredibly high is the inability to deal with long-term cravings and lingering withdrawal symptoms. The medical addiction community has come to regard MAT as the “gold standard of addiction treatment” because it provides a safe, controlled, and manageable treatment approach to Opioid Use Disorder.
Our clinic treats Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) through individualized and comprehensive counseling in conjunction with Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). These medications works by releasing a controlled dose of a synthetic opioid agonist that binds to to your mu opioid receptors, which provides relief from withdrawal symptoms and cravings. The medications then in turn work to stabilize your brain chemistry, while blocking the euphoric effects of fentanyl, heroin, prescription. and other illicit opioids. This mitigates physiological dependence and helps the brain and body respond to incrementally decreased amounts of opioids. While the medication is working to treat the medical aspect of the disease, counseling works to break the psychological dependance and treat the cause of the initial use. Courses of Medication-Assisted Treatment are specifically tailored to each patient’s individual level of use, doses are determined by the type of opioid(s) used, length of use, frequency, tolerance, and amount used. Use of these medications and continued use of illicit medications are closely monitored by a licensed physician and our clinical team.
Our medical staff utilizes the following medications approved to treat Opioid Use Disorder -
At The Genesis Center, we do not believe in "replacing one patient's addiction another."
We do believe in utilizing all available resources to help someone step back into a life of recovery while minimizing the risk of relapse as much as possible. When combined with counseling, studies have proven Medication-Assisted Treatment to have the highest rate of success in treating people with Opioid Use Disorder.
That is why being treated with the correct medication is a key step towards recovery and lasting sobriety.
Our highly qualified clinical and medical team work closely together to ensure you receive completely individualized treatment that will help you to succeed and meet the recovery goals that you set.